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PRP Therapy

Blood is primarily a liquid (plasma), but it also contains other components, like platelets. Within the platelets are growth factors that may initiate tissue repair.

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The concentrated platelets in PRP may optimize and stimulate the conditions for wound healing, regeneration, and development of new blood vessels. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that contains a concentrated source of your own platelets (donor associated problems are not involved).

It is natural and non-toxic. There are no allergic reactions. PRP treatments are convenient, simple, have short recovery time, and have rapid results and long term benefits, with only a few contraindications. Micro needling and/or fillers may be used to improve the outcome.

PRP Therapy Explained Chicago clinic

The goal of both Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine is to optimize both longevity and to enhance the quality of life.

PRP is the ultimate bio-identical and will not augment your features (what you never had will not be changed).

Conditions treated at my office:

  • Aesthetic improvements: Facial rejuvenation, decollete, neck, and hand skin, like fine lines, wrinkles, pores, pigmentation, acne, scars, stretch marks, „bags” underneath eyes, or even cellulitis.
  • poorly healing wounds
  • thinning or loosing hair (hair regeneration)
  • chronic inflammation or sprains of tendons, muscles, bursae, and ligaments
  • osteoarthritis (knees, elbows, wrists, and shoulders)

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